Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Contour soap

Yesterday the excitement of my day when the UPS truck delivered 2 new soap molds.  I used one, but not the other, so I'll show you the first one.

Contour mold!  Fits nicely into my hand.  I made this bar with goats milk and rosemary and thyme for a nice herbal scent.  In the upper picture, you will see that I put some whole thyme into the bar with the oil.  Very pretty!

New, natural colors

I know I say this a LOT, but Fed Ex delivered to me today some all new natural colorants, and I am EXCITED!

So, I've been playing and have a few to show you.  More later or tomorrow.

I took a close up of this leaf hoping that you could see the tiny specks in the soap.  It's made with Madder Leaf powder, and I put a teaspoon into the Shea Butter to get this color.  Very rich looking, isn't it?

With this Madder Root for color, I can make anything from the pink sailboat to the dark leaf.  Here also i've made a two tone rocket ship and a 3 tone car.  All made with different amounts of madder root.

And just look at that dome bar!  I mixed some dandelion leaf in it for color and scented it with lemongrass.  I just love it!

Boy, do I ever need a better photographer than myself!  This picture is so dark!

Going to run to town with a friend and will be back with you later today.